Tokyo, officially “Tokyo Metropolis,” is the capital of Japan and the island nation's hub of business, government, education, and mass media. Though Tokyo boasts the largest metropolitan economy in the world, its residents must contend with having the highest cost of living in the world, and one of the most crowded cities (more than 5,000 people per square mile). It's also experienced a protracted recession, has an aging population, and is at risk from earthquakes. Despite its problems, Tokyo is one of the planet's most important economic centers, with global corporations and exciting modern architecture. Tokyo retains a strong cultural identity, with traditional celebrations taking place throughout the year. City leaders have invested in large-scale plans extending to 2025 to reduce traffic and pollution, and link far-flung neighborhoods with new rail and road-building programs. Offering a 21st-century introduction to the high-tech, go-go home of samurai, sushi, anime, and manga, Tokyo combines clearly presented facts about history, culture, and growth with discussions about key issues. The text is supported with maps, charts, statistics, and revealing interviews with city residents.
Commissioned photography. Full-color maps. Interviews with residents. Charts. Statistics. Glossary. Further information. Index.
About the Author(s)
Nicola Barber is a children's book author who specializes in English and history titles. She graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in history.