Home Books Modern Genetics

Modern Genetics
  • Format
  • Authored by: Lisa Yount
  • From the Series: Milestones in Discovery and Invention
  • Trim Size: 6 X 9
  • ISBN-10: 0816057443
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-5744-3
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $49.95
  • Imprint: Chelsea House
  • Published: 08/01/2006
  • Dewey Number: 576.5
  • Reading Level: Grades 6-12
  • Pages: 224


Since the dawn of time, people have noticed that members of families tend to look alike, having similar hair or eye color, for instance. Similarly, ancient farmers and herders realized that if they mated, or bred, plants or animals with desirable traits (such as the ability to grow quickly or resist disease), they had a better-than-average chance of obtaining offspring with those traits. Still, the actual science of genetics and genetic engineering is only about 100 years old. Many genetic engineers and biologists have contributed to new understandings of heredity and the ways genes can be manipulated to stimulate certain characteristics in living things. Modern Genetics profiles 14 men and women who were among the leaders in making important genetic discoveries in research and new technologies. Profiles include James Watson, Francis Crick, Herbert Boyer, Stanley N. Cohen, Michael Bishop, and Harold Varmus.


Black-and-white photographs and line illustrations. Appendixes. Sidebars. Glossary. General chronology. Chapter-specific chronologies and further readings. Web sites. Further resources. Index.

About the Author(s)

Lisa Yount has written or edited more than 50 books, eight of which have won awards or been included on "most recommended" lists. Her books include Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Patient’s Rights in the Age of Managed Health Care, Animal Rights, and Genetics and Genetic Engineering.

Reviews and Awards

“...will engage interested students and help report writers to get a real feel for the scientist or inventor they are investigating. Black-and-white photos and other illustrations are well chosen, and extensive lists of additional resources make [this book] doubly useful… carefully researched and well-presented... a worthwhile addition to the high school collection.”

2008 California Collections
- California Readers

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